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At the center of the Truffle platform are Orgs. An Org houses all of the information about a creator's organization and their users. Each user in their user base is called an OrgUser.
We call a user of an org an "OrgUser" because we reserve the term "User" to refer to a user of the Truffle platform as a whole.
You might be asking yourself at this point, "but how to these OrgUsers actually use Truffle?"
The answer is through Packages! A package represents a collection of features that a creator can add to their Org. A package could serve as the creator's website, or it could be a more specialized feature like one that facilitates giveaways for their users. The possibilities for packages are endless, allowing you, the developer, to create any type of feature that a creator would want!
We'll talk more in depth about packages later, but for now, know that packages provide the features that make an Org come to life.